June 15, 2022

How to Summer in Style

Posted in: Style

Do you feel great in a bathing suit? Most women don’t. That’s one of the most difficult pieces of clothing to buy! I don’t care what you weigh, how toned you are, or if you have a tan. And when you find ‘the one’ you hang on to it for dear life, until the loose elastic starts to tell you it’s time for a new one. Then the painful search begins. Does this sound familiar?

What’s worse is, if you’re a bride getting ready for your honeymoon, you’re likely looking for a suit no matter what the season – which makes your search even harder! Stores don’t usually stock suits in the dead of winter (unless they’re by the beach).

Even if you have no need for a swimsuit, summer means it’s time to bring out our warm-weather wardrobes! If you’re a bride, you have some very important events to look your best for. If you’re not a bride, you want to look your best too! But before we pull out those flip-flops or go shopping, we need to do some inventory to make sure whatever has a place in our closet has the right to be there. If that sounds overwhelming, keep reading!

Here’s a few things you can do to make sure your wardrobe is stylish and summer-ready:

  1. Interview each item you already have. Ask: Do you love it? Does it fit? Does it flatter? Is it free of unfixable holes or stains? If the answer is no for any of those questions, it’s time to break up with it.
  2. Fill in with what you need. Having the core essentials will make dressing for whatever the summer brings so. much. easier. Plan ahead: what are you most likely to be doing this summer? Do you have the appropriate (and complete) outfit for it?
  3. Get something trendy. You’ll feel much more up-to-date about everything else you’re wearing if you just wear ONE trendy item. What’s on-trend this summer? That’s a whole other post (coming soon!) but here’s my favorite: pearls! Go raid your grandma’s jewelry box, she’ll have just the thing.

I hope this helps you with updating your wardrobe for summer. If your closet gives you overwhelm, or you’re unsure what to look for when buying a new item (those dang swimsuits), I can help! I offer personal style consultations (online, thanks to Zoom) to show you what your best colors are, how to create a balanced/slimmer look, how to make accessorizing easy, and so much more. We’ll address YOUR concerns, making sure you walk away more confident and stylish.

You can also join me June 23-25 for Style Palooza – a virtual style retreat featuring some of my incredible fashionista friends. Get ready to be encouraged, be inspired, be refreshed, and be fabulous! I can’t wait for the pajama party 🙂 Click the image below for more details:

  1. […] – PEARLS: As mentioned in my previous post, pearls are so in, dahling. You can add them anywhere, from detailing on the fabric to full-on […]

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