May 30, 2022

And the planner’s toolkit saves the day! (and her sanity)

Posted in: Planning

Photo by Stephen Berling

If you’re a planner, you know just how valuable an emergency kit can be! If you’re a bride, I have a post just for you over here.

Of course we always hope NOT to need an emergency kit, but in those moments that you’re pulling something out of it, aren’t you SO GLAD you have it?! I find my list of what should be in my kit constantly growing 😀 I used to have one bag; now I have three. But it makes so much sense when you think about it!

There are some things that your bridal party will need more than anyone else (toiletries, extra ___ in case they forgot something, first aid supplies, etc.). And then there’s the things that I’ll need, whether I need it during set up (scissors), or someone asks me for it (tylenol). But then there are things that I might need, and usually don’t, so I can keep those in my car to be retrieved ‘as needed.’

I wrote this list out so that I can double-check my stock (some things get used much faster than others!) before each event. And I even included reminders for my bride – I try to have most of what she might need, but some things are personal and I can’t bring those for her. Also, each event is different! An outdoor summer wedding will need certain things that an indoor winter wedding won’t. So while I double-check my stock, I also check the item’s relevancy. A winter wedding probably doesn’t call for bug spray! I take out what I don’t see any possibility of using, to lighten the load.

And it’s not on the list, but I always pack secret emergency kit #4: my pockets! I’m constantly running back and forth from one place to another, so even though I try to keep kit #2 close by, that’s not always possible. I make sure my wedding outfit has pockets, to keep a few essentials at the ready. Tissue, anyone?

To download the complete list, click here!

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