April 12, 2022

Introduction, part 2

Posted in: About

Hello again! I’m so excited you’re joining me on this journey! So far I’ve told you about my thought process when planning. Every wedding makes a ‘statement,’ so I help you say the right thing! If you missed that post, click here.

But you know what really has my heart?

Helping my couples plan for their future MARRIAGE, not just their wedding day. The wedding, as much as I love all the details involved, is just a day. Their marriage (hopefully) will last the rest of their lives. It is my honor and privilege to pray with and for my brides, and walk beside them as they navigate family or friend relationships, as they learn to knit together their two families, and truly become ‘one.’

But wait. I’m single.

“How can I possibly help a woman walk toward her wedding day when I have no personal experience? I’ve never been married!” I sat in this question for a few months, waiting on the Lord’s answer. And His response (as usual) was much bigger than I expected. He gave me the picture of Revelation 19:7-8:

Let us rejoice and exult
and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his Bride has made herself ready;

it was granted her to clothe herself
with fine linen, bright and pure — for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

Can you picture this wedding feast where Jesus is the host and groom, and we, His bride, are sitting there in our finest, purest white?! I now understood my ministry calling as a wedding planner:

To prepare HIS bride!

Just like an earthly bride can’t get dressed by herself (those hard-to-reach buttons!), we believers need help putting on the “righteous deeds of the saints.” How can I help with that? While we plan her wedding, I can help my bride see how each wedding detail points to a greater picture of the kingdom of God, which she can use to encourage others in their faith. And each wedding presents opportunities to develop and demonstrate the attributes of God. So when her natural response is to get frustrated by something or someone, I can help my bride remember Who she can take her frustration to, and encourage her to respond in a way that pleases the Lord. And as I work with my style clients, we can remember that even our closet and what we wear each day can teach us about God and be a way for us to reflect Him to others. I can help Christ’s bride look radiant and lovely on the outside, to represent what God has made us to be on the inside.

In whatever I do, whether planning a wedding or helping someone with their wardrobe, I have the opportunity to “give Him the glory” and help His bride be better prepared to feast with Him.

What a beautiful day that will be. I can’t wait!

  1. […] the big picture to the smallest detail, nothing gets overlooked. In part 2 of this blog post, I’ll explain why brides and weddings have my […]

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